2016 candidates disappointing

Editorial staff, Editors

The election choices for 2016 are truly pathetic. While there is a vast selection of candidates for this election, we feel as if there is no candidate that could positively contribute to our nation. We see these candidates and feel dread over whomever is elected.
While watching the Democrat and Republican debates, we noticed a common trend. The debates have regressed to levels of pettiness most adults have not seen since their high school careers. The “No, you” attitude of the candidates is appalling, and we feel these politicians require massive change in their personalities before they can effectively run a country. For example, Donald Trump, who seems to take the middle schooler approach to debates? Hillary Clinton also needs to revise her personality, as she continues to lie about e-mails she sent that resulted in the deaths of soldiers overseas.
While there appears to be little hope, at least eligible voters have a large selection of disappointments to choose from.
We believe the question dodging during the debates is also astounding. Candidates are asked questions about important topics and deflect onto other topics that were not even mentioned, aiming to accuse and blame candidates from the same or opposite party and force their agenda through abusing the time they are given to answer questions of interest. It is pathetic. Tell us what we need to hear, not what you want to tell us.
Finger pointing and blaming has become too common of an occurrence during debates and campaigns. By attempting to show that they will perform better than their predecessors or opponents, they are setting their sorry excuses for campaigns up for disappointment. The candidates make wild promises, such as promising to respond with force to anything done against our country (looking at you, Ted Cruz), building a wall between us and Mexico (looking at you, Donald Trump), and making college free for everyone (looking at you, Bernie Sanders).
Even though the focuses of the candidates strays from what seems necessary, the large amount of creative and new ideas is promising. Innovation is always a positive change, even if the ideas seem insane.
These absurd promises and proposals don’t even come close to solving the issues within our own country. So far only Cruz has commented on the situation in Flint, MI. and other candidates refuse to comment or back the governor in his poor handling of the situation. None of the candidates has even acknowledged the methane leak in northern California, a situation which continues to intensify. None has even addressed the racial tension that seems to be surging in areas around the nation. The candidates focus on foreign threats, rather than the issues here at home. We find this pathetic, pandering, and disgusting.
Both parties blame the opposition for everything, saying things such as “This country is in ruin because of [insert whomever here]” does not solve anything. The parties need to work together and come to agreements that benefit both sides equally rather than fighting incessantly like children and preventing anything beneficial from coming to fruition. It does not help that the mentality of the citizens of this country has shifted to “the other party is stupid”, so no intellectual discussion takes places in or outside of debates.
Before the Election Day, we hope that the candidates get their campaigns in line and quit the incessant bickering and pandering promises.