Terror unfolds at Las Vegas country festival
October 5, 2017
Around 10:00 p.m. on Oct. 1, shots were fired into a crowded audience at the Route 91 Harvest festival. The act of terror carried out is considered to be one of the worst mass shootings in modern US history, killing 59 people and injuring a total of 527 concert goers.
Police identified the gunman as 64-year old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, Nevada. Paddock is suspected to have acted alone in the event that unfolded Sunday night.
Police officers infiltrated suite 32135 of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where they found the shooter dead. Police officers also believe the gunman took his own life before they entered the suite.
A total of 23 weapons were found in the suite the gunman fired from, and several thousand rounds of ammunition. Alongside the weaponry, several pounds of ammonium nitrate, used for making bombs, were found in his car.
According to theguardian, a daily British newspaper, witness William Walker described the terror that unfolded.
“We were under a big spotlight and someone said, ‘Turn off the light,’” Walker said. “They shut it off and you could see and hear bullets hitting the ground. People piled up behind cop cars, and ex-military guys were saying, ‘Give me a gun, I’m going to get these fu*****.’”
Motives of the attack are currently not clear, Paddock has no prior offenses. Paddock’s father was on the FBI’s most wanted list for bank robbing from June 10, 1969 until May 15, 1977 according to FBI.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, but that has since been disproven.
President Trump described Sunday night as “an act of pure evil” and lead a moment of silence for Las Vegas Monday afternoon according to CNN. The Orlando police department also shared their condolences via Twitter.
Isabella Cesario, junior, mentions her feelings towards the attack.
“It’s sad,” said Cesario. “It [Las Vegas] is like my second home”.
According to kqed, a pubic media outlet for northern California, Blood Centers of the Pacific have prioritized giving blood to local hospitals, but with the heavy traffic of people donating blood, the blood donations has been sent off early to Vegas. The Blood Centers of the Pacific encourage all blood types, but type O remains in high demand.
Last updated on 10/05/2017 at 12:30 p.m.