Hallway TVs acquired by South to help increase communication between administration, students

Isabella Paredes, Editor-in-Chief

This December students walked into school and saw something new: TVs in the hallways.

The TVs are currently located in the athletic hallway, the cafeteria and on the wall by the auditorium.

South’s Athletic Director, Ken Bublitz, explains the TVs were bought and installed to increase communication between staff and students.

Information similar to what is on the school announcements will be listed on the TVs; however, the information will be displayed daily and will be easily accessible to students.

Clubs like student council can utilize the TVs to get information out as well.

“Student council plans to use the TVs to help promote events, make students aware of different opportunities that there are at school and to recognize students as well,” said Samantha Scanlan, staff leader of student council.

The TVs will also display general information including dates for school events and standardized tests times and locations. Athletics information will be presented on the TVs also.

“It’ll include the athletic hall of fame, all team pictures, and all conference performers,” said Bublitz.

Those who participate in performing arts can also utilize the TVs.

“It’ll include chorus and band performances, times and dates for things that involve art and performing arts,” Bublitz said.
Another high school in the district uses TVs to communicated information to students.

“I don’t know about the other schools. I can’t say for sure about East or Central. North’s TVs also display a wide variety of information,” Bublitz said.