Senior Goodbyes: Dani Gonzalez
May 14, 2018
I moved to Plainfield 6 years ago, at the very end of 6th grade. Since then I have been counting the days till I get to go back to where I lived, right outside Chicago. My friends all know I was simply not made for a slow paced suburban existence but that doesn’t mean I won’t miss a few things about this place.
Westfield cheese fries, walking past more ponds than people on any given day, and actually being able to see the stars are luxuries you don’t get so close to the city. I know those will be my ulterior motives when I visit my parents.
I’ll also miss my friends, though most of them are only going to be a train ride away. Juggling college and a job will make it harder for me to call one up for a late-night McDonalds ride. I met two of my closest friends in journalism and sometimes I feel weird thinking about how there could be times I go weeks without seeing them.
Journalism completely changed my life path. Our supervisor told us that taking this class often inspired people to do things completely different from what they originally wanted. I was sure I wouldn’t be one of those kids because I had a firm plan to become an entomologist. I realized this year I’m much happier with a pen in my hand, marking up someone’s article with red ink than typing up a lab report for biology.
The Paw Print gave me opportunities to branch out across the school, learning about new clubs and talking to students I never would have. It made me more conscious of other people. Not meeting a deadline affected more than just my own grade, it made the other editors and page designers behind on their work too.
I have been anxious to move onto the next part of my life for a while. I didn’t realize how bitter sweet it would be until now.