Q&A with catalyst coordinator Elisabeth Engler
December 5, 2018
Q: How did you come up with your calming jars idea?
A: I run follow up groups and decided to do a mindfulness theme and found the creative idea online.
Q: How do calming jars help to relax people?
A: They show how we all have several emotions running through us.
Q: What are some of your current projects?
A: I’m currently working on our “Cougar Christmas” for students that attend South who are less fortunate during the holidays. We provide them with dinner for their families.
Q: What do you do for our catalyst program to help students cope and manage anger?
A: I email teachers, collect students’ work for over three school days, sort items and we also do one-on-one counseling with our students.
Q: How do students get put into this program?
A: Students have to commit a level three infraction, and students think they can focus more and stay out of drama when they’re in here, and they can always come back for help and support.
Q: Anything else to add?
A: Students that come to our catalyst program for three days, work hard and benefit from it.