The history of Valentine’s Day
February 14, 2022
Valentine’s Day is known across the U.S. for chocolate, love, and pink and red heart decorations. For some it is a day to spend with significant others, and for others, it can be a reminder about the celebration of single life. But how exactly did this romantic holiday originate? Is it the beautiful love story we all expect it to be, or does it have some cryptic tones?
The history of Valentine’s Day is still a mystery. Many theories have come up over time but only a few stuck. Including the Catholic explanation which is the execution of a priest named Valentine. According to, Valentine was a priest who was beheaded for allowing soldiers to marry in secret since it was made illegal.
Another theory involves the clash of Christianity with Paganism. Lupercalia is a Pagan holiday which celebrates fertility and is dedicated to the Roman god of agriculture, Faunus. This holiday is meant to be celebrated on February 15 but the Christians made Valentine’s Day to “christianize” the Pagan holiday, according to Unfortunately, the holiday Lupercalia was outlawed in the fifth century for being un-Christian.
Like how Christmas has Santa and Easter has the Easter Bunny, who is the loveable character for Valentine’s Day? For some reason or another, it isn’t Valentine himself. Cupid is the chubby little child with wings and a bow and arrow on all those cards we see in stores. Cupid was once the Greek god of love, Eros. Eros was portrayed originally as a handsome, mischievous man who played with the emotions of Gods and men.
Now a date is established and a motive is set for this day of love and togetherness. Where did the idea of love notes come from? These Valentine’s greetings were very popular in the middle ages and have been used ever since. Allegedly, even King Henry V hired someone to write a love letter for Cathrine of Valois. Later in time, the holiday was finally being celebrated all over the world. People would write small notes for friends and loved ones and make cards from scrap paper and ribbon. Now, pre-made Valentine’s day cards are sold around the world.
Today, Valentine’s Day is a day where lovers show their affection for one another and when you can buy all the chocolate you want when the discounts come the day after. People send cards with love letters and little gifts as well. It is a day solely for love to those around you whether you have a special someone or not.