Noticing inappropriate Valentines

As students wander down the hall with butterflies in their stomach, they may ask themselves if their newfound crush is the one with whom they will spend their Valentine’s Day. One might fantasize about a romantic day like getting flowers or a box of chocolates.
It is very difficult to make it through high school without having some sort of crush or romantic fascination with someone. Spending Valentine’s Day with another makes these heart-pumping encounters that much more meaningful. Yet, February 14 should also come with a set of warnings. Students might fail to ask themselves if their special someone could possibly be an unhealthy part of their life.
Crushing on someone who is significantly younger or older may be dangerous and can even cause trauma. Many romanticize their relationships, only looking through rose-colored glasses and because of this, some might fail to see what is truly happening.
Relationships with someone substantially older may result in grooming, which happens when someone builds relationships, trust, and emotional connections with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit, and abuse them. These victims of grooming can experience long-lasting effects like anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
The pressure to find someone to spend this holiday with can make a person lose sight of early signs, potentially leading to heartache.
There are some red flags to keep an eye out for and check if you or your peers are headed for an unhealthy relationship. For example, isolation from friends and family often occurs. If a partner insists you should stop seeing friends, he or she has crossed a boundary. Other signs include not accepting no for an answer or making you feel guilty for your behavior.
In high school, it may be difficult for one to notice these innocent crushes as inappropriate since the age range of those who attend the school is 14 to 18, but many students are minors and some are legal adults. Older students need to understand that these flings are inappropriate.
It is also important to acknowledge that a younger person who is crushing on an upperclassman is just as innapropriate.
Valentine’s Day is a date to celebrate love. It can be a memorable time for teenagers, but be sure that the relationship you are celebrating is healthy and appropriate.